International DistricT LEgal Clinic

International District Legal Clinic
Chinese Information and Service Center
611 S. Lane Street, Second Floor 
Seattle, Washington, 98104 
Tuesday from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm 
Counseling Sessions - ½ hour or 1 hour with 

For Appointments, please call (206) 624-5633, ext. 4111

ABAW is dedicated to educating and empowering the Asian/Pacific Islander community in Washington. In supporting this goal, the ABAW operates the International District and Rainier Valley Legal Clinics. The purpose of the clinics is to reduce the cultural and linguistic barriers faced by members of the Asian/Pacific Islander community in their efforts to participate in and access the legal protections of the American justice system.

The clinics provide pro bono legal counseling sessions with ABAW attorneys and professional interpreters and legal workshops that target the Asian/Pacific Islander community. 

The clinics are co-sponsored by: the Asian Bar Association of Washington; the Chinese Information and Service Center (; and the King County Bar Association and its Neighborhood Legal Clinics Project ( 

Clinic services are provided free of charge. If you are looking for legal help, please call the numbers listed above to schedule an appointment. Interpreters must be requested in advance and are provided free of charge.  When coming to the appointment, please bring all paperwork that relates to your case or legal question, including all contracts, letters, court papers etc.  Please bring a pen and paper in order to take notes on the advice, suggestions and referrals you may receive. 

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the clinic! Our volunteer lawyers are typically scheduled for one night every 2-3 months and see up to 4 clients during the night. Our administrators are professionals and students who assist with the client intake interviews and administer the schedule for the evening. It is a rewarding experience and an opportunity for you to use your skills to make a difference! To volunteer, please contact us via our Contact Form.

King County Bar Association offers FREE CLE's for clinic volunteers.  For more information, visit the KCBA website at: 

Volunteers can get CLE credit for volunteering at the ID Legal Clinic. A volunteer must attend two hours of pro bono training (new volunteer CLE qualifies) and will receive CLE credit for 4 hours of work providing legal counseling or direct representation to low-income clients, for a maximum of 6 credits per year.  Simply report your Pro Bono hours to the WSBA by e-mail, mail or fax.  Be sure to include the name of the qualified legal services provider you are working under.

WHY GIVE BACK? Reasons to Do Pro Bono Work

View a short video at this link (opens in new page), "Justice For All: Our Profession, Our Responsibility" featuring community leaders including Justice Mary Yu, Judge Richard Jones, and others who will inspire you to give back through pro bono work.

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