Joint Asian Judicial Evaluations Committee

The ABAW is a proud member of the Washington State Joint Asian Judicial Evaluations Committee (JAJEC). Created in July 2006 to simplify and streamline the judicial evaluation process, JAJEC includes members from ABAW, the Korean American Bar Association (KABA), the South Asian Bar Association of Washington (SABAW), Filipino Lawyers of Washington (FLOW), Middle Eastern Legal Association of Washington (MELAW), and the Vietnamese American Bar Association (VABAW). Click here to read the JAJEC bylaws, updated as of March 1, 2021

The JAJEC was created in part to ensure that judicial candidates are aware of and consider the issues important to the Asian Specialty Bars.
 All of our ratings are available to the public to educate voters of those candidates who meet the qualifications to serve on the judiciary as defined by the Asian Specialty Bars.

We evaluate individuals seeking either appointment or election to judicial office. We evaluate candidates for a variety of judicial positions, including: municipal and district courts, superior courts, superior court commissioner seats, courts of appeals, and the Washington Supreme Court.

We do NOT endorse candidates for judicial office. Rather, we evaluate candidates by providing the public with our ratings. Candidates may be rated as follows:

A candidate may be rated exceptionally well qualified (EWQ), well qualified (WQ), qualified (Q), or not qualified (NQ) based on various factors including his or her integrity, fairness, legal ability, and demonstrated commitment to equal justice. The JAJEC Chairs notify the Applicant of the rating within two days by phone or mail. This rating is valid for three years and ratings for candidates actively seeking positions are posted on this website. Although a rating is made public, all information disclosed by the Applicant or the Applicant’s references and all discussions of the Committee are kept confidential.

1. Contact the current JAJEC Chairs, Hari Kumar and Sandip Soli of SABAW at
 In your e-mail, please:

a. Indicate the position(s) you are seeking; 

b.  Submit a current resume; and

c. Attach an electronic copy (Word format please) of any one of the following judicial questionnaires (along with any supplements, including writing samples):

(i). Washington State Bar Association
(ii). King County Bar Association 
(iii). Governor’s Office Uniform Judicial Evaluation Questionnaire.
If you have more than one of the above, the Uniform Judicial Evaluation Questionnaire is preferred.

2. Once the electronic copy of the application is received, you will be sent a letter via e-mail scheduling the date and time for your interview. You will also receive an electronic copy of the bylaws that govern the process and a roster of JAJEC members.

3. Interviews are held once a month on a first-come, first-serve basis. Interviews are scheduled no earlier than three weeks after receipt of the completed application.  All interviews are held during the evening.

It is strongly encouraged that candidates submit their applications for a JAJEC rating several months in advance of the Governor's deadline to ensure sufficient time to schedule an interview and receive a timely rating. However, candidates seeking a rating from JAJEC pursuant to a Notice of Vacancy from the Governor's office must provide the committee chair with their request for rating and their materials at a minimum 30 days before the deadline for submission of the rating to the Governor's Office of General Counsel or one week prior to the deadline for submission of the application to the Governor’s Office, whichever is earlier.

Rating Letters for Judicial Candidates:
Q = Qualified 

WQ = Well qualified

EWQ = Exceptionally well qualified

NR = Not Rated (insufficient info to rate)

NQ = Not Qualified

Current Ratings 2024

Candidate  Position Sought Rating
 Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud   Washington Supreme CourtEWQ
 Commissioner Karl Triebel Washington State Court of AppealsEWQ
 Commissioner Karl Triebel Thurston County Superior Court EWQ 
 Commissioner Karl Triebel Pierce County Superior Court EWQ 
 Commissioner Karl Triebel  Washington Supreme Court WQ 
 Francis Adewale Spokane County Superior Court EWQ 
 Gina Buskirk Kitsap County Superior Court EWQ 
 Gina Buskirk Kitsap County District Court EWQ 
 Monica Cary King County Superior Court EWQ 
  Judge Whitney Rivera Snohomish County Superior Court EWQ 
 Nikole Hecklinger King County Superior CourtEWQ 
 Heritage Filer King County Superior CourtQ
 Judge Ken L. Schubert  King County Superior CourtEWQ
 Judge Damon G. Shadid King County Superior CourtEWQ 
 Judge Brian Todd King County Superior CourtWQ
Commissioner Patricia Fulton Walla Walla County Superior CourtEWQ 
Andrew RW Hughes  King County Superior CourtWQ
Judge Anna G. Alexander  Snohomish County Superior CourtEWQ 
Judge Anna G. Alexander Washington State Court of Appeals EWQ

Download the ratings from 20212022, and 2023.

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